Wednesday, October 29, 2008

ipod nano

david and hannah
maren and hannah
homecoming, me and sarah ( homecoming, sarah y yo)

homecoming dance
sarah and friends(left) , sarah y amigos (izquierda)

homecoming dance ( baile de homecoming)
usa flag ( usa bandera)

cool( guay)
isn't it creepy? ( a que es acojonante?)
my dad coaching soccer ( my padre entrenando futbol )
Noah playing his cool guitar
hannah eating pretzel ( hannah comiendo pretzel )
this is the weirdest of the spirit days of the cross country seasson. we always come up with something freaky to do like this fake moustache. sometimes it is formal day and that means that we are all supposted to wear a suit and tie to school. it is just to show your sport spirit to the rest of the school
este es el dia de espiritu mas raro de toda la temporada de cross country. siempre se nos ocurre algo friki como este bigote falso. aveces es dia formal y todos tenemos que vestirnos con traje y corbata al colegio. es simplemente para mostrar tu espiritu al resto del colegio
Sarah and Jessy

Erin and Giulia
city hall
Giulia from Italy

Hugo from France and Sonja ( Hugo de Francia y Sonja)
shady alley in philly ( callejon chungo en philly)

more big buildings ( mas edificios grandes)

more skyscrapers( mas rascacielos)
walking around the city ( caminando por la ciudad )
skyscrapers in philly( rascacielos en philly)
Bruce Springteen
taxi in philly
Suburban station in philadelphia

Hannah Rose my little sister (Hannah Rose my hermana pequenya)

campaining for Obama
campaining for Obama (haciendo campanya de Obama)
Kim from the Netherlands
Jessy and Sarah campaining with me ( Jessy y Sarah haciendo campanya conmigo)
monleon tirant-li al basquet
vice presidential debate , Biden and Palin ( debate vicepresidencia , Biden y Palin)

Sarah and Maren , sister and mother ( hermana y madre )

Noah my brother ( Noah my hermano )

my sister's notebook ( la libreta de mi hermana )
cross country formation ( formacion cross country)
catching some kids( cogiendo a algunos )